Book an appointment

Rates and Services:

Psychotherapy and counseling sessions: $150/hour

Initial phone consultations are free of charge.

Interventions services: Fees and services are variable. I offer trainings, consultations, and direct interventions. Call to discuss costs.

I offer a sliding scale for clients who are need-based. I provide remote services for all of my clients which includes the use of zoom and simple practice. The use of technology has increased the ability to help clients promote their mental wellness.

To schedule an appointment please email Jamie at or call 313.515.6200

 I am in-network with BCBS Michigan, Aetna, Cigna, Cofinity, United Healthcare, Oscar Health, and Oxford.  I also accept cash, checks, and credit cards. My fees must be paid at the time of service.

Sicily, September 2018

Sicily, September 2018